About Me

About Me

I write of my experiences in this journey of life, some good and some bad. I have had several failed marriages then I found my sole mate, can't imagine my life with out him. We fostered many children then adopted two.

I was a stay at home mom that made my children a passionate project, in raising them. But at the same time I had another passionate project, rescuing Dalmatians. Both my children and dogs became interlocked and dogs and children would help each other.

At the same time my husband lost his job, he had been in that line of work for 30 years and had to reinvent him self, then became disabled. Now I'm the one putting on the pants and working full time. I'm just trying to find my place in life, no children and no rescue.

Our home is a happy home once more, no out of control teen with ADHD, bipolar, and no rescue. My pack of dogs give me unconditional love so I focus on them and my loving husband, now days.

Barb B

Some of the most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the Heart.

Author unknown